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Keto Ham & Cheese Wraps

You are hungry and in a hurry to prepare something for lunch or a fast snack? Than this Keto Ham and Cheese wrap is great, fast and tasty.

You will need (for 1 serving):

¼ cup – Shredded Cheddar
4 slices – Sandwich Ham
6 leaves – Romaine Lettuce, tough part cut-off
1 tbsp – Ranch Dressing


How to do it:

1.- Lay a sheet of baking paper or similar on a cutting board.
2.- Spread romaine leaves on top with slight overlaps.
3.- Put ham slices on top of the lettuce.
4.- Next is to spread ranch dressing on top.
5.- Shredded cheddar is next on top.
6.- Roll tightly all the way to the other edge, taking care that paper stays outside.


➡️ Nutritional Values:

Energy – 286 kcal
Carbohydrates – 9g (13%)
Fiber – 4.6g
Fat – 20g (60%)
Protein – 20g (28%)