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Keto Chicken Chorizo Stew

This is a meal that you and whole family will love. The herbs and spices present in this stew recipe enhanced the flavor of the dish. Perfect dinner meal on a cold night. Amount of ingredients is for 1 person meal.
You will need:
30 grams – Smoked Chorizo
10 grams -diced Bell Pepper
100 grams – Chicken Thighs
¼ tsp – Dried Oregano
¼ tsp – Paprika
1 clove – crushed Garlic
3 – Black Olives
1 cup – Chicken Stock
Salt, to taste
How to do it:

1.- Lightly oil braising pan.
2.- Put in the pan and fry lightly chicken thighs.
3.- Add chorizo and stir until fat is rendered.
4.- Stir until aromatic added bell pepper, olives, and garlic.
5.- Add stock, oregano, and paprika.
6.- Simmer for 20-25 minutes.
7.- Season with salt to taste.

➡️ Nutritional Values:
Energy – 380 kcal
Carbohydrates – 3g
Fat – 30g
Protein – 24g