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Cream cheese pancake with berries compote

Cream Cheese Pancake with Berries Compote is delicious and sweet. Berries Compote and Cream Cheese Pancakes are going really well together. Have in mind that one portion have 13.8 g of Carbs and this is a lot for Keto diet from one go. On the day you make this dessert, cut other carbs a bit 🙂

You will need:
For the pancake:
2 Eggs
1/4 cup – Cream Cheese
1 Tbsp – Butter, for cooking
2 Tbsp – Almond Flour

For the berries compote:
1/4 cup – Mixed Berries
1 Tbsp – Lemon Juice
1 tsp – Erythritol
2 Tbsp – Water

2 Tbsp – light Whipping Cream

How to do it:

For the pancakes:
1.- Put Eggs, Cream Cheese and Almond Flour  in a food processor.
2.- Process the mixture until well mixed.
3.- Heat a non-stick pan and melt the butter.
4.- Scoop the batter using a 1/4 measuring cup.
5.- Cover the pancakes while cooking.
6.- When bubbles started to appear, flip carefully the pancakes and cook for 1 minute. Repeat the same methods into the remaining batter.

For the berries compote:
1.- Heat all the compote ingredients in a pan and bring to a simmer until the liquid is reduced in half.
2.- Serve the pancakes with whipped cream and compote.

➡️ Nutritional Values:
Energy – 598.7 kcal
Carbohydrates – 13.2g
Fat – 52.3g
Protein – 18.8g