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Keto Caprese Salad Platter

Light and refreshing meal for any occasion… Keto Caprese Salad is really great choice and can be made easily. Pop in  to local shop and buy fresh vegetable and cheese. Prepare platter like explained here and enjoy. Ingredients are for 1 person.

You will need:

3 – Mozzarella slices
3 – Tomato slices
4 – Turkey deli thin slices
2 oz. – Cucumber, cut into sticks
2 cups – Lettuce, torn
3 tsp. – Olive oil

How to do it:

1.- Layer the tomatoes and mozzarella. Place one tomato on a plate top with a mozzarella slice and repeat.
2.- Add the lettuce and season with salt and olive oil.
3.- Layer the turkey deli and the cucumber sticks.
4.- Serve and enjoy.

➡️ Nutritional Values:

Energy – 347.2 kcal
Carbohydrates – 7.1g
Fat – 24.4g
Protein – 24.8g