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Bacon Salad with Ranch dressing

Another great bacon salad recipe that you will absolutely adore! You can made it for lunch or even dinner when you want to have a light meal in the evening. Everybody like bacon anyway.

This ingredients are for one person meal.

You will need:

Ingredients for dressing:
2 tsp – Whipping Cream
1 Tbsp – Sour Cream
1 Tbsp – Mayonnaise
1/8 tsp – Garlic powder
1 tsp – chopped fresh Dill
1/8 tsp – Onion powder
1/4 tsp – Lemon juice
Sea salt, to taste

Ingredients for salad:
1 – hard-boiled Egg, sliced
1 cup – Romaine lettuce, coarsely chopped
1 cup – fresh Spinach
1/4 – Spring Onions
2 slices – cooked Bacon
1 Tbsp -chopped Almonds
2 Tbsp – Parmesan Cheese

How to do it:

1) Place the dressing ingredients(mayo, whipped cream, sour cream) in a bowl.
2) Season it with onion powder, garlic powder and salt.
3) Add the fresh dill.
4) Mix until well combined. Set aside.

1) Add the lettuce and spinach in a large mixing bowl.
2) Add the sliced boiled-egg.
3) Add the chopped bacon.
4) Add the chopped almonds.
5) Add the green onions.
6) Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
7) Lastly, add the ranch dressing.
8) Toss the salad with dressing until well combined. Serve.

➡️ Nutritional Value:
Energy – 600.1 kcal
Carbohydrates – 7.7g
Fat – 52.1g
Protein – 23.2g