Because of his fathers illness, one of my best friends started to research field of fat / keto diet.

He started to apply to himself rules of fat / keto diet and intermittent fasting and found that it is truth what doctors like Dr. Ron Rosendale and Dr. Mercola are saying.

Weight loss, feeling better, clearer thinking and sharpness, having more energy and stamina,…

One year I needed to read and watch about all of that. There was a moment where I said: “What is enough is enough!” – and decided to start with this way of living.

Everything was truth – I could feel lighter, better, started to have more energy, my brain was happy and I was less sleepy and more awake and happy. In less then 3 month I achieved my ideal weight of 100 kg for my hight (22 kg down). I could jump into my old suit, that last 10 years I couldn’t wear.

Now is time to spread the word!